All the support you need for your success and fulfillment!


  • Being connected regularly to a powerful community like-minded women leaders, all on a similar path and all rooting for your rise.

  • Having a safe, non-judgmental place you can go anytime to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, get feedback and release your frustrations.

  • Having solid partners who will help you maintain consistent positive momentum for your business and your life.

  • Having 4 Zoom meetings per month to help you stay on track with the good work your heart is calling you to do.

  • Feeling the fulfillment that comes when you make the positive shifts that are possible when you take advantage of the fact that you are not in this alone!

This is what's waiting for you inside the Women Empowered Leadership Mastermind & the Rebel Mindset Support Group.


Here are your options to register. Click on the one that works for you! 

$39 Per Month
$390 Per Year - Get 2 Months Free Each Year!

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Kimberly's FREE 7-Day Guide to a Healthier, Happier YOU!

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